Sunday, February 7, 2010

What Can I Combine With Vicodin To Make It Stronger Is The Combo Of Vicodin And Diclofenac Strong Enough?

Is the combo of vicodin and diclofenac strong enough? - what can i combine with vicodin to make it stronger

I RXD these earlier is diclofenac in itself small, I had to take a couple of these tablets to alleviate the pain of something, it is safe to connect to Vicodin?


kk & kyky's mom said...

I would not. Take a couple of Vicodin. You do not need pills to mix well. Take two Vicodin. To reduce the pain.

rtinsley... said...

True, but take a pill against the other only pills and painkillers, if they work then wait a bit, and another dont

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