Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Psa Lowering The Coralation Between A PSA Test And A Free PSA Test?

The coralation between a PSA test and a Free PSA test? - psa lowering

I had 2 PSA test, the second was the highest@9.4. The urologist has tested me on Cipro and again after 6 weeks. The PSA has dropped to 3.2, but free PSA is 10%, not good. The reduction of free PSA and PSA appear to be too low contradictory. Is this fair and what could he say? I am scheduled for an ultrasound and a biopsy now.


Anna K said...

The PSA test is controversial because cancer and benign disease can cause elevated. Free PSA is sometimes used to try to distinguish between them.

http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/facts ...

"The PSA circulates in the blood in two forms: free PSA, or be attached to a protein molecule. With the benign conditions of the prostate is more freedom, while cancer produces more of the attached form."

The chances are good that ultrasound and biopsy.

jalwerdt said...

The PSA Benin is open to produce with non-cancer conditions, the PSA. I think your treatment is in the right direction.

SusanS, Incognito said...

I think it is better than your doctor to interpret the PSA test. I have no idea what would be the correlation between the free and the other evidence. You are doing the right thing for an ultrasound and biopsy. I wish him all the best.

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