Monday, February 1, 2010

Sunfish Freshwater What Do They Eat Does Anyone Have A Freshwater Green Sunfish?

Does anyone have a Freshwater Green Sunfish? - sunfish freshwater what do they eat

Hello! I wonder if anyone here has a green sunfish. I have 2, and lives in an aquarium in a pond. I have ordered a lot of experience with all types of freshwater and saltwater fish, shark, grouper, clown, etc. but I never have had a freshwater Green sunfish. I found them at Walmart, mixed with some comets, nobody knew what they were at Walmart, but I did a little research when I came home and found a Sun "green". Anyway I was wondering if anyone else had one and some behaviors are not so far, I discovered that he is very shy at first, now is mildy aggressive aggressive and eats everything he fit in your mouth. As I said in my tank a few minutes started to her mouth as the Cichlid close before, and I had promptly. I am in my tank about a month and a half, and the rapid growth. So, I thank you for your most demanding nothing more than frozen! The answers are welcome!


copperhe... said...

I thought the green sunfish, pumpkinseed and bluegill, and with three the most aggressive fish I have kept the moon are. So I can see why the cichlids in comparison - they have a similar behavior when it comes, territorial and aggressive toward other fish. They are not as bad as largemouth and smallmouth, however. As I experiment with combinations of fish for a display tank at home, chose not to use the greens, but was able to keep a group of sunfish 3 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the tank (which includes small fish and darts). The greens were too aggressive for the tank, and yes, eat the small fish.

I could not mix my pellets (granules Cichlids Goldfish pellets) to eat, but the choice (and almost all fish caught the wild) rather live or frozen. I gave them blood worms and brine shrimp as treats, but most of them checked the food presentation was with an automatic, I on a weekly basis. I was fortunate to be part of my fish dry food to eat with in accordanceCreek chub of similar size (no food), while they were quarantined. When others saw the fish eat minnows and organic material was found food, they had to start eating too much, usually within a week.

Since the Greens for more than a foot, which will have a large tank to keep it, or can also be another candidate for your pond can grow.

My favorite of the three was the pumpkin seeds - was the sweetest, and had the most beautiful color.

PeeTee said...

I never thought the Greens, but should be more interesting pets. I sometimes took on the track, and I find them to be brave and very good fighters. Territorial adults seem to experience here. Although the jaw "locks" is the prelude to the fight against this phenomenon is perhaps the first step in determining the choice of spouse.
In catering, occasional live food (insects, worms, etc.) is greatly appreciated. Probably also acclimatize, prepared foods, too.
The fish are very attractive, especially if they put in their spawning colors. Keeping native fish can be a very rewarding aspect of this hobby.
A word of warning, some states to keep his game fish illegally, so if this applies in your area, try to demonstrate that such children a pet purchased and have taken not wild caught.
Good luck and have fun with your fish.

Corinne said...

I still have never kept fish moon, but I sit, and I saw many of them in nature. Normally swim in a large school with about 10-15 of them in various sizes. They are very active. Every few minutes or less fighting, two of them, locking jaws, as if you were talking. It lasted 15-20 seconds, then the two fish swim away. Then the fight will be is restarted. It seems that the road will occupy their time.

Unfortunately I can not help you to ensure all information on them in an aquarium, because I've never done. Here is an article that is that I found online that can help you:

Good luck!

vikingfo... said...

I hope you have a very large tank, which are large and more than anything under 55 gallons.

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