Friday, January 29, 2010

Show Abortion Procedure Free Clips Ladies, Since They Have Never Shown An Abortion Procedure On TV?

Ladies, since they have never shown an abortion procedure on TV? - show abortion procedure free clips

However, they showed all kinds of projects. This is due to the lack of women that the procedure is not personally allowed?

If so, what would be a lot of money, to be filmed before the operation, necessary?

It is a legitimate question. Why not show an abortion on television.

Please answer the two questions, if possible.


Winter Glory said...

I think the outcry would be too great to try out for a TV station of the network would like.

No amount of money to shoot me for my surgery can.
No matter how simple or complicated it is.

Appears to be a on YouTube, is called the silent cries .. .. It's the 70s, but an ultrasound shows a woman during the abortion.
Very graphic.

Bluebeard's Wife said...

I'm sure you sing a different song if your wife is pregnant and will not support the child. Both men are like that is against abortion to the abortion are useful for them and their wallets.

Do not give me that. You're a loaded question for women who might have this question, saying: "Ladies." Women are murderers of children, until you knock up to an unfavorable date. Many men are hypocrites. More people are in favor of abortion than women. Check out the surveys and, for the right of the people that "women" should be used as a women. Perhaps because abortion is for them to be useful. Abortion is a method of contraception (and now) eugenics, but not as if only women with no incentive to support the abortion.

mom0f2 said...

I think that women are not allowed to be filmed, because I know all of what they want. I hope no one decides to raise money for women, they offer the murder of her unborn child movie. But it would be a bad idea for the film, perhaps after she had an abortion, some women, that is a bad idea to convince them.

am1432 said...

The abortions were apparently filmed as it is for those who have seen their implementation available?

I hope that those who say they have seen real pictures, maybe I'm naive, and never happened, but I find it hard to believe that he was not on tape somewhere.

I've never been on TV because it is just * too controversial and emotionally. No stations are in danger, advertisers and viewers on the cover of * the * driving far.

You see, this does not happen, would not be profitable. How much clock? I will not, I can imagine a lot. It would be for any network that actually runs a program such as suicidal thoughts = o /

am1432 said...

The abortions were apparently filmed as it is for those who have seen their implementation available?

I hope that those who say they have seen real pictures, maybe I'm naive, and never happened, but I find it hard to believe that he was not on tape somewhere.

I've never been on TV because it is just * too controversial and emotionally. No stations are in danger, advertisers and viewers on the cover of * the * driving far.

You see, this does not happen, would not be profitable. How much clock? I will not, I can imagine a lot. It would be for any network that actually runs a program such as suicidal thoughts = o /

Lady of the Lake said...

Perhaps because the amount of the strong opposition against it?
perhaps because there are many forces are made in the fight against abortion, not to have to be broadcast on television, an abortion because of the reaction?

I personally would not allow me that a transaction of interest, such as an abortion on television, no matter how much money to demonstrate, and certainly not against abortion want to see me walking down the street and harass me with their opinions. but I think I would leave the plant from another movie at the right price.

Note that I am not for or against abortion, other peoples moral choices are my business. This is what I think people would think the whole thing on television.

Erin said...

Frankly, if I had to have an abortion and asked to be filmed (hidden my identity, of course) for educational purposes, they could be finished. I should not be paid. And have agreed on women, so that the procedure to be filmed. Most anti-abortion groups have these videos (for Silent Scream). I have never been shown on television for the simple reason that abortion is so controversial. No network to meet the requirements, which show just from these videos.

Eloka D said...

They get their name from a hair dryer?

There are many reasons for abortion, not just because someone wants to "kill a man!" If the mother's life is in danger if she was raped, if the child has many diseases. They talk about him as if it was only a matter of black and white, but it's a very gray area

As you can see reality TV to me is again. Turn the ***** idiots in evolution.

Edit: Rissa leave the shadows and back to reality. Knowing nothing about science, or just what your Bible says that in his country, "the airplane?"

Edit: Assassinate? I know everything! The Americans are back, used to mean much, but since this bull from another country. You are all fools.

Annie said...

I doubt that women have no effect if the abortion has been shown on television or not. All parts of the female body is seen by the world in several states.

I guess it's probably a legal nightmare to so many countries, there is no specific legislation that is for or against abortion.

dark eyes said...

I would like to see the process, I have not been made for me. I do not agree agree with abortion, many options are available for men and women to avoid unwanted pregnancies, without the use of abortion.

(insert witty screename) said...

Why not show? Probably because people do not want to see. In the same way people do not want to remove cancer or someome leg sawed.

Most plastic surgery operations on television, I think.

orangech... said...

It is a legitimate question. The fact is that most people who really strong feelings against abortion, they think it should remain possible or not.

Pluto Wangsta said...

I want to show you how. People need to see what they support.

Abortion is no gray area, like all abortions only ends with the premeditated murder of an innocent child.

Nique Ta Mere said...

Bible, bad things, because they lose their sh! T, though often stand on street corners with 10 meters high "Aborted" Baby Signs (often using images of babies with birth defects and illness, personal fave of the harlequin fetus).

Holly said...

Baby killers are able to blur their faces so nobody could know who they are. But I do not think I dare to kill a child. I doubt their moral problems that prevented them good ... more, it would be "unpleasant".

professo... said...

What show are you? Everything is done internally. The embryo is in the uterus.

They have not developed between the chambers of the uterus.

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