Thursday, January 28, 2010

Draining Finger Can My Ganglion Cyst On My Finger Be The Reason Why My Wrist Feels Numb?

Can my ganglion cyst on my finger be the reason why my wrist feels numb? - draining finger

I have a cyst on my middle finger inside and has increased the size of a marble. From what I can read this syndrome carpal Thunell. I have an appointment in 3 weeks with a hand specialist, so that the cyst is empty. My right hand feels a little insensitive, and simply not strong enough. Does this help? I have one weeks 5 years and we are constantly looking for what I'm really scared!


chas said...

Carpal tunnel syndrome is associated with the wrist, not your fingers when you can have in the wrist result in numbness of the slaughter or it could be a pinched nerve simply Specialist in hand to everything you try not to worry, because your child in his fear, expressed to check, I hope you get everything sorted:)

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